I read The Pragmatic Programmer(Andrew Hunt, David Thomas)

I read a famous book, “The Pragmatic Programmer”.
(Actually, I read a Japanese translated version. )

I heard many messages which say “Software development should be …” or “System engineer should be…”, in some training, or I read them on some web pages.



Sometimes I feel these messages are abstract and difficult. To abstract these messages, or to pursue an ideal, messages may become so.

This book, “The Prgamatic Programmer”, indicates practical activities to become master progammer. Additionally, these activities are not difficult.

This book also include “master programmer should be…”. Not only that. This book also indicate desired activity, and books or web pages to refer to become so!

Explanations and examples are so nice. It’s very easy to read this book. Especially, I get some good ideas from “power of plain-text”.
(Sorry, I don’t know actual English chapter title)

This book does not indicate “how to complete software development”. This book indicates “how to become master programmer”. Not only programming techniques, but also tools, design, maintainability, refactoring, document, and project.

If this book is heavy, I believe a programmer, who wants to be master programmer, can read it smoothly. Because there are many advices which we are looking for.

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